Thursday, March 21, 2013

There is light at the end of the tunnel :)

I realize I haven't blogged in nearly a year, so I thought I would give an update. We moved to a new town in August, my husband got a better job that he absoultely loves. In October we found out that we were expecting another baby :) Now I'll be honest with you, I was terrified when I saw the positive on the test. My mom was the first to know since she was down for her birthday (which happened to be the day I took the test, what a birthday gift!!). Being in a new town that is much smaller than our previous town, I had no idea who to call. I finally found a doctor an hour away from where I live, and I absoultely love him. I saw him at 10 weeks and explained that my previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, so he explained to me that he wasn't going to try to hear the heartbeat at that appointment because if we didn't hear one, he didn't want me to get discouraged & freak out, so I waited another month. At 14 weeks I heard that beautiful heartbeat!!!! Such an amazing sound it is too. I never realized until having children how beautiful that sound is. Life was literally beating inside of me & it reminds me just how great our God is. Anywho,I was blessed to share this moment with our 4 year old daughter and she thought it was so cool. 18 weeks-Ultrasound Everything looked good, baby was healthy and very active. Alyson thought the baby was a cutie pie when she saw the picture on the screen (how great of a big sis is she gonna be?). The tech tried so hard to tell us the sex of the baby, she would get an image that made her think boy, then another angle and she would think girl. So they told us to come back when I had my next OB appt and they would try again. Are you kidding me? I have to wait another 4 weeks to find out if we are team blue or pink!? Can you tell paitience is not my strongest trait? lol We took our pictures and info to our doctor and he told us that our baby is growing great and is in the 96 percantile, which could mean i'm going to have a good sized baby. 22 weeks I went to get another ultrasound done where we got some amazing pictures of baby, which made it very obvious what we are habing.....a BOY!!!! Oh, i'm so happy about that. My dream of having a boy and a girl are finally coming true!! So here I am, 28 weeks along into this pregnancy and I'm feeling good. I'm ready for June to get here so I can meet our little guy, but I'm also not wanting to rush progress either. He needs his time to grow big & strong so he can be ready to live life with big sister :) I will do my best to stay up to date with this, but I cant make any promises. If any of my readers are still healing from miscarriage, just know that your time will come. We weren't even trying for a baby and it happened. So please be patient & just have fun with your partner :)

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